Congratulations to Our Distinguished Employee Award Recipient!
Barbara Baker
Receptionist / Facilities Assistant
Administration Department, Redding Office
Each year, InterWest recognizes employees who are identified by their co-workers as having demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to their clients, workmates as well as their community. This partnership between work and giving back makes them stand out for their invaluable contributions.
Barbara treats our employees, clients and vendors like family. She always has a warm smile and a helping hand.
Celebrating 34 years with InterWest, Barbara knows all the ins and outs of the Redding office and gets things done without being asked whether it’s taking care of a new hire, helping with an employee move, or taking on a new project. She’s quick to take care of everyone’s needs and, always in the best interest of InterWest.
Barabara loves working for InterWest and the feeling is mutual. She is extremely valuable to the team.