labor shortage

Addressing Farm Vehicle Risks Amid Labor Shortages

Farm operators rely on experienced workers to handle grain trucks, tanker trucks, worker transport buses and vital machinery like combines, pesticide sprayers and planters. But an ongoing labor shortage is increasing risks, as less-experienced workers are stepping into these critical roles. The American Trucking Associations warns that a nationwide trucking shortage could exceed 169,000 drivers…


How to Deal with ICHRA Administration

Employers that have decided to offer their staff individual healthcare reimbursement accounts to purchase health insurance on their own have been encountering administrative headaches. Simply tracking whether workers in an ICHRA plan have secured coverage can be complicated, but employers need to contend with other compliance issues too. As a result, more firms have turned…

risk protection

Businesses Struggle with Risk Protection Gaps

Nearly half of middle-market businesses feel unprepared for key threats despite implementing various risk management strategies, according to Nationwide Insurance’s latest “Agency Forward” survey. The survey found that while 90% of businesses have formal risk management policies that are reviewed regularly, 21% lack a business continuity plan, leaving them exposed to potential disruptions that could…

2024 Distinguished Employee – Ashani Hussong

Congratulations to Our Distinguished Employee Award Recipient!   Ashani Hussong Assistant Controller, Accounting Department San Leandro Office Each year, InterWest recognizes employees who are identified by their co-workers as having demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to their clients, workmates as well as their community. This partnership between work and giving back makes them stand out for…

2024 Distinguished Employee – Ed Butler

Congratulations to Our Distinguished Employee Award Recipient!   Ed Butler Commercial Account Manager Sacramento Office Each year, InterWest recognizes employees who are identified by their co-workers as having demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to their clients, workmates as well as their community. This partnership between work and giving back makes them stand out for their invaluable…