A businessman swings a sledgehammer at a land bridge connecting two cliffs as he tries to chip away at the metaphorical agreement represented by the bridge formed in the shape of a handshake.

New FTC Rule Bans Non-Compete Agreements

The Federal Trade Commission on April 23 approved a new rule that bans employers from requiring new employees to sign non-compete agreements. The rule will take effect in August 2024, after the commission voted 3-2 to approve it. Besides banning future non-compete agreements, the new rule also nullifies all existing non-competes and requires employers to…

Inspection Before Driving

Your Cheat Sheet for International Roadcheck

The 2024 International Roadcheck — a high-visibility, high-volume inspection and enforcement effort conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance — is slated for May 14-16. During this annual three-day event, CVSA-certified inspectors fan out across the United States, Canada and Mexico to inspect commercial vehicles and drivers at weigh and inspection stations, as well as…