Why Does Safety Matter to Your Business?

A comprehensive safety plan benefits both employees and the bottom line. It can help organizations comply with local and federal laws and industry regulations. In addition, a company’s approach to safety can help or hurt its reputation. But safety isn’t a one-and-done task—it should be an ongoing process that a company frequently revisits. Let’s dive…

Safety is a Team Sport

I’m not sure what it is about safety that confuses leadership so thoroughly, but there are a few easily corrected mistakes that are costing business owners thousands of dollars in direct and indirect costs from workplace injuries and corresponding productions delays.  These mistakes are rooted in management style and an overall approach to safety. Recent…


At InterWest, we receive a lot of feedback from our clients that one of the most important services we provide is our leadership framework for managing change. Leadership is a much-needed commodity in the best of times, but over these past couple of extremely difficult years, it has been the key to weathering the storm.…


Do you remember as a kid having fun playing pick-up basketball with your friends?  It was all fun and games up until somebody on the court said, “Hey, first team to 5 wins!”  And then what happened?  It was like the whole world changed. It was a massive shift.  It’s kind of like the difference…


The best teams hold themselves accountable.  Members of these teams want to be pushed.  Great teams crave accountability because they believe in the mission. High functioning teams want to be held to a high standard. Conversely, members of dysfunctional teams run from accountability. They hide from measurement.  They dislike feedback.  And they dread performance reviews. …