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Distinguished Employee Spotlight – Debra Wong

InterWest’s Distinguished Employee: Debra Wong Debbie is valued for the support she provides to her colleagues and department. She willingly assists new employees any way she can regarding insurance markets, as well as work procedures and practices. She goes above and beyond to invest the time and effort to secure coverage that meets InterWest’s clients’…

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Distinguished Employee Spotlight – Joy Moll

InterWest’s Distinguished Employee: Joy Moll Joy is the lead Account Manager for InterWest’s Northern California Schools Insurance Group and is described by her broker, the JPA Manager, as single-handedly running an insurance company for public schools. She’s adept at keeping the program and team on track and mentors the new staff members. Joy not only…

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In Memoriam – Ken Noack, Sr.

​It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Ken Noack, Sr., on December 28th.  Ken was one of the founding partners of Noack and Dean which was one of the three original brokerages forming InterWest Insurance Services in 1992. He lived a very blessed, life with his wife Sue, their two…

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