Outdoor Recreations & Concessionaires

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InterWest’s Recreation Risk Solutions Program is designed to provide competitive, innovative insurance solutions for public and private recreation businesses including camps, campground concessionaires, forest and marina operations. Our dedicated RRS Practice team of specialists have extensive backgrounds in serving the industry for over 20 years and understand its ever-changing exposures and economic challenges.


Working closely with InterWest’s Claims, Risk Control and Human Resource professionals, our brokers develop a customized stewardship program to educate and assisting our clients in mitigating their potential for loss and protect the financial health of their organizations. Our focus is to continuously improve the quality of our products, services and the client experience.


Our RRS team has partnered with and actively supports many of the recreation industry associations. This involvement provides us with insight into the challenges they face and the opportunity to be a resource to its members.


Among InterWest’s Guiding Principles is to reinvest our profits and provide philanthropic support to our communities. Our commitment is to generously share where we can make a difference, such as providing deserving kids the great experience of camping in an incredible natural environment. We compassionately contribute time, money and service at all levels of our organization.

Latest Articles

Insurance Support for Concessionaire Claims 

Using governmental permits for land and property present unique challenges for concessionaires, especially when something happens and an insurance claim needs to be filed. Whether it’s an uninsured claim, a compliance difficulty, or claim in need of further support, here’s some of the most common complexity concessionaires face. Government-Required Insurance As a concessionaire, the government…

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Best Mitigation Techniques for Outdoor Recreation Operators

Mitigation of liability is one of the primary indicators that an outdoor recreation operator is safely insurable. With the unique and variable risks these concessionaires face, mitigation is an essential step toward preventing insurance claims and indicates a key characteristic that both the government and insurers require of these operators. Climate Mitigation Climate effects are…

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