InterWest Insurance Services

Employee Theft Hits Small Firms Hardest
The majority of employee thefts are occurring in organizations with 500 employees or less and the median loss is $357,650, according to a report by...

Vehicle Crashes On and Off the Job Cost Employers Dearly
The costs for businesses when their employees are involved in car accidents on and off the job are staggering, at $72.2 billion a year, according...

Few Employers Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for Workers
As the vaccine rollout continues most employers seem to be avoiding requiring their workers to get the inoculation, especially considering the legal risks and increasing...

New Law Requires Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19-Related Issues
Governor Newsom signed legislation in March that requires California employers with more than 25 workers to provide them with up to 80 hours of COVID-19-related paid...

Drivers Aged over 55 More Likely to Die in Work Accidents
Workers who are 55 and older are 50% more likely to be killed in vehicle accidents than drivers who are younger than them, a study...

What Cyber Insurance Underwriters Look For
As the number of cyber attacks against businesses continues to grow, insurers that provide cyber liability and other cyber-related coverage have started intensifying their scrutiny...

How to Keep Your Safety Meetings Engaging and Fun
Are your safety meetings a drag for your workers? Are they shifting in their seats as they sit through yet another presentation on slip and...

All of the Goodies for Businesses in the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Act
The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that President Biden signed into law on March 11 contains a number of provisions intended to help...

Addressing Pandemic Fatigue Among Your Staff
As the country and our businesses continue trudging along and hope that vaccines will pave the way out of the COVID-19 crisis, employers are increasingly...

As Attacks and Costs Mount, Cyber Insurance Rates Climb Further
Cyber insurance rates are going to increase dramatically in 2021, driven by more frequent and more severe insured losses, according to a recent industry study....