InterWest Insurance Services

Nation’s First Workplace Safety Pandemic Standard Being Implemented
Virginia is on the cusp of creating the nation’s first pandemic workplace safety requirements for employers, a standard that many in the occupational safety and...

Attacks on Cloud Services Grow Amid Telecommuting Boom
As more of America’s workers were asked to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cyber criminals jumped at the opportunity to take advantage,...

More Workers Filing COVID-19-related Lawsuits against Employers
As the COVID-19 pandemic wears on and more employees go back to work, the risk of catching the disease for workers has spawned a growing...

Preventing Heat Illness as Summer Approaches
With temperatures rising, employers with outdoor workers need to take steps to protect them from heat illness. California employers need to be especially mindful as...

Insurance Costs Related to COVID-19 Could Top $100 billion
COVID-19-related losses for property-casualty insurers are likely to top $100 billion, with workers’ compensation accounting for about a third of all payouts, according to a...

OSHA Asks Employers to Investigate Worker COVID-19 Claims
COVID-19 and workplace safety has been a moving target for OSHA and it has released a number of advisories, including one in March that said...

What Business Insurance Policies Cover Rioting, Looting
As protests around the country descended into rioting and civil unrest, many businesses that have been looted, or seen their shops damaged or completely destroyed,...

Leasing a Car? Put It in Your Company Name
As a business owner or company director wanting to lease a car for yourself, you have the choice of either business contract or personal car...

Adjustable Workstations Key to Reducing Injuries
Musculoskeletal disorders from manual labor in factories, construction, printing and warehouse work are one of the most common types of workplace injuries and account for...

COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Claims May Not Be as High as Expected
There is some good news coming out in terms of COVID-19 and workers’ compensation in California. Overall workers’ comp claims tied to the coronavirus may...