21 balloon toting, banner carrying, sign waving InterWest Gentlemen were among the more than 1,100 high-heel clad men who walked a mile in high heels on Sunday to raise funds for WEAVE. A heartfelt thank you to the slew of family and friends who came out to support our team and to all of you who helped raise $2,840.00. A very special thank you to the committee members whose contributions were integral to the success of this event.
Team InterWest
Rob Oates, Rob Regur, Grant Staking, Jeff Keena, Jim and Jonathan Bulotti, John Weber, Jesus Medina, Jonathan Carter, Tony Grego, Christian Skelly, Neil Thomas, Dan Regur, John Book, Stephen Padilla, Brian Allendale, Daniel Pierce, Pat Lyon, David Pierce, Glenn Johnson, Will Louie
InterWest Walk a Mile Committee
Valerie Albert, Shannon Pringle, Gwen Roediger, Martha Sexton, Charlene Staydohar, Karen Esquibel